Snowboard Iskola

Hailey Langland was up against reigning champion Zoi Sadowski-Synnott in this round of the Natural Selection Tour at Revelstoke. Hailey is undoubtedly a fierce competitor, but Zoi has been unstoppable lately.

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Not only did Hailey beat Zoi, she got the highest score of the entire day. In a two run format, the highest score continued on to the next round. Hailey made it to the next round withe highest score for the ladies at a whopping 75. It is great to see Hailey out there getting it!

Watch it live here.

Hailey Langland is a talented US snowboarder and has made a significant impact in snowboarding. Born in 2000, she gained attention for her innovative style and fearless approach to competitions. Langland is particularly known for being the first woman to land a cab double cork 1080 in a competition, achieving this milestone at the 2017 X Games. Her progressive riding style and positive attitude have inspired many and continue to do so with wins like these.

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