Snowboard Iskola

Attitash Mountain Resort and Wildcat Mountain in New Hampshire join SKI NH and several other ski areas across the nation taking part in the snow sport industries collective campaign to introduce people to winter sports. As a special offer to support January’s Learn a Snow Sports Month, both Attitash Mountain Resort and Wildcat Mountain invite “never-evers” to sign up for a free Learn-to-Ski/Ride lesson package, including rentals and novice lift ticket, during the week of January 7 – 13, 2012. To register for the free Learn-to-Ski/Ride lesson package, participants must visit to register online now and download a required Learn-to-Ski/Ride coupon; registered participants can then call the specified phone number on the coupon for the resort of their choice and to make a reservation for a limited number of available lesson times for the promotion period

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January Learn A Snow Sport Month Campaign


