Snowboard Iskola

Norwegian snowboarder Oyvind Kirkhus recently reminded us that sometimes, it's the style that truly stands out. In an unbelievable clip that has us buzzing, Kirkhus showcased his skill and flair with a mesmerizing switch method grab at The Stomping Grounds Park.

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The switch method grab is a challenging trick that demands not just precision but a deep understanding of style in snowboarding. A method grab, for the uninitiated, is a classic trick where the rider tweaks their body to grab the heel edge of their snowboard while tweaking their rear leg. It's a trick that embodies the essence of snowboarding style, and it's a big style indicator in a snowboarder's repertoire.

What sets Kirkhus apart is his ability to seamlessly transition from the switch method grab to the regular method, demonstrating not just technical prowess but also an innate sense of style that sets him apart from the rest.

The Stomping Grounds Park, located in Saas-Fee, Switzerland, has a storied history as a training ground for snowboarders and skiers alike. The park's pristine features and pro-level setup make it an ideal spot for riders to hone their skills and showcase their unique style.

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