Snowboard Iskola

This snowboarder, named Cole Solner, certainly took it to the next level and upped the ante by lighting himself on fire to hit this hand rail. Not sure if that is an NBD or not, but it definitely deserves some recognition.

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Watch Cole and his friends in the full video linked here.

The allure of danger in entertainment lies in its ability to captivate our senses, elicit adrenaline rushes, and test our limits. Whether it's watching thrilling stunts in action movies, witnessing daredevils perform death-defying feats, or indulging in extreme sports, danger adds a visceral dimension to our entertainment. It's a visceral thrill that appeals to our innate curiosity and desire for excitement. The controlled risks encountered in entertainment provide a controlled escape from the monotony of everyday life, allowing us to experience the thrill without real peril. In this way, danger enriches our lives, providing a unique source of excitement, enabling us to conquer fears, and fostering a deeper appreciation for the extraordinary achievements of individuals who push boundaries for our amusement.

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