Snowboard Iskola

The UTA Ski Bus is a public transportation service in Utah, providing access to ski resorts in the area during the winter season. It offers various routes, schedules, and is known for its affordability and convenience for skiers and snowboarders. 

The Utah Transit Authority intends to scale back its winter ski bus offerings for the second consecutive year due to ongoing staffing woes.

Starting in December (with the exact date yet to be specified), and running through April, this year's ski bus service will closely resemble last year's, featuring fewer routes and reduced trips. Officials are banking on new measures to patch up some of the service gaps.

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The downsizing of the service hasn't exactly been kept under wraps by Salt Lake County ski resorts. UTA began conversations with them as far back as April, as revealed by UTA planning director Russ Fox during a recent board meeting. This long lead time left little doubt about the forthcoming service reduction.

The @saveourcanyons instagram had some choice words on the matter: 

"UTA’s problem lies in their ineptitude to fulfill their obligations in serving the community that lives along the Wasatch Front! ‼️ The continued reduction in service is no secret to Salt Lake County ski resorts. UTA started collaborating with them in April, UTA planning director Russ Fox said in a board meeting last month. “So, they’ve known for quite some time where our status is going to be as far as just operating the same service from last year.” Now more than ever there are more organizations, people, and elected officials weighing in to say let’s help solve the issue of traffic in the Central Wasatch, yet UTA continues to convene the same dozen or so resort officials to solve the problem. There were over 50,000 people who engaged in the Little Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), rather than engaging them to be part of the solution, from inception to implementation, the community and organizations were left out of this conversation, and therefore no solution was found. UTA either doesn’t care to solve the problem or is incapable of it!"

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